Happy Friday!

on 10/9/14 11:52 pm - Bradenton, FL

Good Morning!

I'm up drinking my coffee and trying to wake up. Doing last minute packing. I have to be at the airport at 4am.

Vinnie and her daddy are picking me up at Midway at 10am tomorrow morning. Liz will be with her sister in law.

Talk on I'll check back later.


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Connie D.
on 10/10/14 12:25 am

Good morning Carla and everyone....

Carla you must be running on tons of excitement this morning!! You get to hug that sweet little Vinnie tomorrow!!

Did you get your shopping done for Vinnie yesterday? I am sure you found some special things for her.

Love you....HUGS....connie d

on 10/10/14 12:47 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi there Connie,

I went shopping and didnt buy a single thing. Gymboree was having a great sale the whole store was 16.99 or less but had nothing! So I'll wait till I get to Chicago and go shopping with my daughter and Vinnie!


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on 10/10/14 2:28 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla and Connie and all my sistas!

Carla, safe travels and have a ball visiting with sweet little Vinnie and your daughter!  

Connie, I read all about your ordeal yesterday.  OMG.  You poor baby!  So sorry about the balance problems.  I'm not sure I quite understand it all yet.  I do so wish we lived close enough that I could visit you and help out.  Prayers, dear sister!

I brought the laptop with me to the hospital today.  I'm trying not to drag so much stuff up here with me, but I just couldn't go another day with no computer.

Butch's sister Charlene came yesterday from Nacogdoches and spent last night with Butch at the hospital, so I got to go home and sleep again last night.  But that was it.  It's on me now until next week.  I think Carrie is going to come down from Waco on Sunday and spend the night.  Then Rusty and Judy (Butch's brother and wife) are coming next week.  

Y'all would laugh if you could see how I am dressed.  I have on leggings, a long-sleeved tunic, socks and fur-lined house shoes!  It's 90 degrees outside, but it's COLD in here.  

I don't quite know what to do about Maybelle tonight.  I'm going to pick the boys up from daycare at 6 p.m.  Well, not exactly pick up.  I'm going to get them and we'll sit in the parking lot until Chris or Mike can get there.  They are both scheduled to wor****il 6 and day care closes at 6.  So there's about a 15 minute gap there that I will fill in.  Then I'll go on and drive out to the lake and let Maybelle out and feed her and let her play in the yard a bit.  But I'm coming back here to spend the night tonight.  I guess she will be okay in the house overnight by herself.  She seems to be very well trained.  She hasn't had an accident yet.  But she does get into things!  I need to find a minute to stop and buy her some toys.

I feel badly that we brought her home to our house and then first thing we have to go off and leave her alone for hours on end.  

I made an impulse purchase last night, and I can't decide whether to feel guilty about it or not.  I ordered 16 skeins of 100% alpaca wool and a new sweater pattern for myself.  I've never spent so much money on yarn in my life!  But I want to see what I think of the alpaca wool.  All I've ever worked with has been part alpaca and part something else.  I want the experience of working with 100% alpaca.  

Besides I had several very beautiful sweaters that I made myself when I was MO and none of them fit anymore.  They just swallow me whole.  I don't have a single hand crocheted garment for myself in my new smaller size.  As much as I love to crochet, I think it's okay for me to spend a little money on myself, don't y'all?  I'm feeling like I really splurged and maybe this is not the best time for me to do that.  

Oh, well, done is done.  I will enjoy making myself a new sweater and I'll just hope that it's not too warm for the winter weather we have down here.  

In the meantime, I'm crocheting those fox-y scarves and hats for my boys.  It keeps me occupied here in the hospital.  I have some other Christmas gifts that I plan to make as well for Carrie and Chris.

Well, nothing else to talk about right now.  I'll post on FB and Carepages if anything changes with Butch's status this afternoon.  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 10/10/14 7:03 am

Hello Vickie.....don't you dare feel guilty about that yarn!!! You need something special every now and then....because you are so special!! You have been running that extra mile for months...it is good that you are treating yourself!! So tell me what color is it? I love alpaca wool!! It looks wonderful and is warm and feels so good too!! Now if you want to sell a larger one or two think of me. LOL!!! I always have to wear bigger tops because of my Boobs!! I had a reduction and I am a D now but was an G+. The surgeon said he made me a full size C....no he didn't!!!

You dress like me. I am always in leggings as I have very small legs and butt....and I am always wearing long sleeve tunics. That is so comfy!!! You would laugh if you saw some of the wild leggings I have!! No one else around here dresses quite like me....LOL!! I am not changing for anyone!

Don't worry about Maybelle she will be fine. 

I can't wait to see the boys hats and scarfs....I am sure they are going to be a hit!!

Honey, there isn't anything more I would love then to live closer to you!! Thank you for the prayers....my sweet sister!!

As far as I go...don't you be worrying about me. Like my Jamie said, "you are one tough lady, mommy"!! When she calls me mommy, I know she is concerned. 

My sweet Carrie is coming here tomorrow and spending the night. I can't wait!!! We will have so much fun. Watching movies and playing Scrabble. I told her I need a handicap because of my CRS!!!! Not happening!!!

As always...my thoughts, wishes and prayers are with you and Butch. I will be watching for updates.

I love you....HUGS....connie d

Patricia R.
on 10/10/14 3:39 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Carla and OFF Gang,

I was out the door to the doctor for a sinus infection first thing.  Then, I stopped at Colleen's to drop off something, and we took a walk to RiteAid, so she could get diapers, and some birthday cards.  I was able to pick up my Rx while I was there.  Now, I need to get my cup of coffee, and get cleaning and cooking.  

Carla, enjoy your visit with Vinnie.  Are you traveling alone?  I'm sure you'll enjoy shopping with them.  

Connie, I hope today is better for you.  I'm so sorry you're having a rough time.  I wish we all lived closer, so we could be there in more ways than just electronically.  Though prayer is very powerful.  

Vickie, I'm sure Maybelle will be fine if she potties when you're there.  She will miss you gus though.

More on my sister.  She spoke with the doctor's office, and he is at his Princeton office, instead of Camden, today.  Mom can drive her there.  Princeton involves just driving over the bridge, and up the road a little.  Eileen shops there now and then.  No problem.  To get to Camden, through Philly, is a nightmare, because of where the bridge is in relation to the interstate you need to travel to get there.  So far, the visiting nurse hasn't mentioned infection, so far.

As for me traveling out there, it would only be if she got worse.  Mom made the mistake of staying with her for three weeks before the surgery.  Now, she has to go home for appointments.  Normally, my sis-in-law could schlep her to Camden, but she's out of town today.  She does have friends who can help her.  She's been there for others, so I know they'll be there for her.

Must scoot.



Connie D.
on 10/10/14 7:16 am

Tri****oo wish we all lived closer. Oh the fun we could have!! 

I really appreciate your kind words and the prayers you always say for me. I keep you close in my heart too!!! I am glad you got your RX for your sinus infection. I hope that clears it up.

I am so glad that your sister will be able to get to her appointment today. I pray she doesn't get an infection. I am sure her friends will help her if necessary!!

Have a good evening and hopefully you will have a good nights sleep as well.

Love and more hugs....connie d

on 10/10/14 4:23 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi there again, yes I'm traveling alone this time. I'm leaving Carl home to care for Bentley and Tevia my crazy cat! He didnt want to go this time!


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Connie D.
on 10/10/14 7:08 am

Carla...I forgot all about Tevia.....your crazy cat.....how is he doing??

Love and more hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 10/10/14 8:13 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family!!!

Sitting here waiting for my family to arrive from Michigan!!!! I shared photos they sent me on FB of them on their way here!!!!! OMG the traffic!!!!! Hope they drive careful!!!! I know David will but there are so many idiots out there!!!! I hope Bandit will behave himself when Duncan gets here!!!! OMG!!!!!!! He is NOT very friendly in his house with other animals!!!!

Had Bingo today for the tenants...that went great...until the one we call burp and fart showed up!!!!! I am sorry I can not stand that woman at all!!!!!! Her mouth is non stop and she can get on your last nerve really fast!!!!!! I will be so happy when November gets here and they move OUT!!!!!!!!!!! I made tuna noodle casserole for the lunch...if she said it once she said it atleast a hundred times this is her favorite and I made it so good!!!!!!!!! She plied her plate up so full its a wonder it didn't break in half!!!! Yes she filled it several times!!! Then she asked to take some home yet!!!!! Another tenant told her I wanted to take some back for the maintenance guys and she should leave some!!!!!!!! Then she filled her plate and asked me if I had anything to cover it with!!!! No I did not sorry. I didn't plan on people taking food home...then she asks if she can take MORE home again!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear....I needed to get FAR away from that woman fast!!!!!!!! Can you say headache from hell???? Oh yeah!!!!!!!

The guys said with trying to get the club house ready for the new flooring next week and all of a sudden work orders are coming out of the wood work!!!!!!! I told Rick if they are NOT emergencies...let them sit!!!!!!!!!!! Good grief!!!!!!!! He gets so dam worked up over getting work orders!!!

Well time to check FB out see if I have any up dates on my kids...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


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